Founded by Quakers in 1823 and based in the heart of York, Bootham is a friendly, inclusive and highly distinctive co-educational day and boarding school of 600 pupils, aged 3-18. The school pride themselves on their commitment to the individual needs of each pupil and the excellent facilities they can offer their students; and the lockers and washrooms are no exception.
As part of the estate’s refurbishment programme, Aaztec worked on a unique project to locate 148 senior school lockers under an external canopy in the playground area. The lockers had to be vandal resistant, waterproof, resilient to varying temperatures and sunlight as well as being user friendly and simple to operate. The refurbishment programme also included work on the washrooms in the senior school area. Colourful Marine SGL cubicles were specified, along with Solid Surface wash trough vanity units and stylish sensor taps, giving a clean and contemporary look.
Craig Pierotti, the Estates Manager at Bootham School commented “The client changed the plan towards the end of the design period and Aaztec bent over backwards to accommodate the new plan requests and completed the project on time despite many modification requests. We’re delighted with the results and student feedback has been excellent. I would definitely recommend them to any school considering new washrooms or lockers.”